Top 10 Best Blogging Tools – The Bloggers Must-Have List

The scope of online content is growing by leaps and bounds. Everyone with an internet connection can start a blog. But not everyone who starts a blog succeeds at it. Why? Because starting a blog isn’t enough—you need to keep your blog going, and that requires much more than just setting up a website and publishing posts once in a while. You have to develop the right habits, stay on top of trends, track your stats, and continually improve your writing and content. If done right with the correct tools then blogging can be a great way to drive traffic, engage audiences, increase conversions and generate income.

The internet today is full of websites, apps, software and other digital tools that can help you get your message out to the world. There are so many options out there that it can be overwhelming for new bloggers. Which tools are worth your time? Which ones will provide long-term benefits? How do you know which tools are as good as they seem? 

In this article, we will talk about some of the best blogging tools available out there, their advantages, and how you can use them in your own blog. Keeping a blog also takes time — from coming up with ideas for new posts to uploading images, recording audio files and editing them all together. Here are some great tools that will make all these processes easier for you!

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Briefing Tools

a business woman with laptop

A briefing tool lets you quickly and easily create and manage editorial content. In other words, it helps you to come up with ideas and topics you can write about. It provides you with prompts and questions that you have to answer. Once you have answered all the questions, you have a full article ready. Briefing tools make it easy to publish engaging and high-quality content regularly. 

Briefing tools are the best place to start when choosing blogging tools. These are best for when you want to introduce yourself to a new audience, or if you want to introduce your blog to the world for the first time. This can be achieved through writing a blog post or creating a unique introduction page that is dedicated to introducing the blog to new readers. 

There are many tools out there that can help you write a blog post, or create an introduction page for your blog. Some of the best blogging tools in this category are: 

  1. WordPress – Looking for the best blogging platform? Look no further than WordPress. WordPress is an online content management system (CMS) that allows you to easily create, manage, and publish content on the internet. WordPress is one of the top blogging tools in the world, and is used by millions of people to create their own websites and blogs. 
  1. Medium – Medium is a blogging platform focused on storytelling. It has a clean modern design, and boasts a large number of high-quality posts written by authors from all over the world. The focus here is on quality content over clickbait, so if you’re looking for a place to share your writing with a large audience, this might be the blogging tool for you! 
  1. Blogger – Blogger is a blogging platform owned by Google. While it’s not as flashy as WordPress or Medium, it’s a great blogging tool for beginners who want to easily get started with their blog. Blogger is powered by Google, so it’s easy to use and has lots of great features.

Google Docs

google doc

Google Drive is a cloud storage service that lets you store all your articles and other content. You can then access your files from any device. You can also share your content with your team members and publish articles directly to your blog platform. Other features include real-time collaboration, document sharing and version control.

Google Docs is a word processor that lets you write, edit and manage your blog posts from any device. You can create an article from scratch or use one of the templates available to get started. You can also use the built-in revision history to track all the changes you make to your documents. Google Docs has a built-in spell checker, grammar checker and citation tool. It also has a formula tool, which can be helpful if you are creating a content calendar or an editorial calendar. 

Google Docs is one of the most useful blogging tools available on the internet today. Google docs allows you to create documents, spreadsheets, forms, and more. It’s a great way to draft blog posts, organize your ideas, keep track of your progress, and collaborate with other bloggers. You can create documents online using Google Docs, as well as download the documents and work on them offline. Google Docs is a great blogging tool because it allows you to keep all your notes and drafts in one place, and share them with other team members or co-bloggers. It’s also a great way to keep the editor within your blog updated so you can publish posts as soon as they’re finished.

Audio Recording and Editing Tools

Audio blogging is on the rise. It’s a great way to create content as people can consume it in the car, while doing housework, or any time they might not have access to a computer or internet. There are many blogging tools on the market that can help you record and edit your audio. The most popular and useful audio editing tools are usually within the following categories:

-Audio hosting and transcription services 

– Audio editing apps and software 

– Audio transcription apps and software 

– Audio recording apps and software 

– Audio recording equipment 

– Audio-to-text services.

The audio blogging tools are important to creating podcasts, audio series and transcribing audio into written blog content. Examples of some of the best audio recording and editing tools are:

  1. Podcasters – Podcasters is a great tool for recording and editing audio files. It’s simple to use and has amazing features for editing your audio files. 
  1. Audacity – While Audacity isn’t as flashy as Podcasters, it’s a great tool for editing audio files. It’s an open source program that’s free to download and use. 
  1. SoundCloud – SoundCloud is a great place to upload and record audio files. It’s a great way to share your content with a larger audience, and it’s easy to integrate your blog with SoundCloud, so all your audio files can be uploaded there!

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Video Recording & Editing Tools

Videos are some of the most engaging content online. They’re a great way to share your message with an audience and have been proven to be much more effective than plain text posts. Bloggers love to use different video blogging tools to create their content

These video blogging tools are important to creating engaging video content to be added into your blogs to keep the readers attention and spice up the blog content. There are many blogging tools on the market that can help you record and edit your videos. The most popular and useful video editing tools are usually within the following categories:

– Video hosting services 

– Video editing apps and software 

– Video captioning or transcription apps and software 

– Video recording apps and software 

– Video recording equipment 

– Video captioning services. 

Some of the best video blogging tools are: 

  1. YouTube – You probably already know about YouTube. It’s one of the top blogging tools for video files. You can log into your account, or create a new one, and publish videos on the platform. 
  1. Adobe Spark Post – If you’re looking for a tool that offers more features than YouTube, then Adobe Spark Post is the one for you. It has a large collection of templates and creation tools, as well as a built-in stock image library so you can create engaging content without having to source and edit your own images.

SEO & Content Writing Tools

SEO is all about getting the maximum number of readers to your blog and keeping them there. While the best blog hosting and blog design tools are important, if your content isn’t up to the mark, no one will read it. If you want to rank your blog posts in search engine results, you need to make sure your articles are well-written and optimized for search engines. The best blogging tools in this category are: 

– Content management systems. 

– Content curation and creation tools. 

– Content organization tools. 

– Content distribution tools. 

– Content editing and proofreading tools. 

Start with the best blogging tools: 

  1. Grammarly – Grammarly is a fantastic tool for checking your grammar. It catches spelling mistakes, and also suggests corrections for commonly misspelled words. 
  1. Hemingway App – If your posts are a little too wordy, the Hemingway App is a great way to shorten them while keeping the same meaning. It’s a helpful tool if you want your posts to rank on search engines. 
  1. BuzzSumo – BuzzSumo is another great tool for analyzing your writing and content. It can help you find what types of articles are currently trending, and what your readers are most interested in.
  1. Writesonic – Writesonic is a leading A.I blogging software that allows you to create a blog in the easiest way possible. Creating a blog in Writesonic is incredibly quick and simple, making it an ideal blogging solution for beginners and bloggers who want to create more content but don’t have the time to create content.

Image Editing Tools

If you’re looking to add and publish images on your blog post, you have to make sure they look good and you’ll need to be able to edit and crop them. The best image editing tools to be looking at are usually within the following categories:

– Image editing apps and software. 

– Image editing services. 

– Image editing tools.

– Image editing tools.

There are many blogging tools for image editing, and the best ones are: 

  1. Canva – If you’re looking for a simple and straightforward image editing tool, Canva is the best one for you. It’s easy to use, and you can use it to create images for your blog posts, social media, and more. 
  1. Adobe Spark Post – If you want a more advanced image editing tool, Adobe Spark Post is a great option. It has lots of features for editing and creating images, as well as templates for creating posters and signs.

Find out how you can use the A.I blog writing software Writesonic to create engaging blogs that converts easier and quicker than ever before. Watch the Passive buddies Youtube video – Writesonic tutorial – [Learn High Ticket Copwriting]’.


We hope that this article has helped you get a better understanding of the different tools available for bloggers. The tools mentioned in this article are some of the most popular ones. However, there are thousands of other tools out there as well. 

The point of this article is not to cover all the tools available, but to help you understand the different kinds of tools and how they can benefit you and your blog. There are many blogging tools out there that can help you become a better blogger. Start by choosing the right blogging platform, drafting and organizing your ideas with Google Docs, and then creating blog posts with the help of Podcasters or Canva. When you’re done, make sure you optimize your posts with Grammarly and BuzzSumo, and then publish your content with Adobe Spark Post. With these tools, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a better blogger.
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